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Writer's pictureKait's Kravings

Questions From a Friend

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

1. Knowing that Christianity and our faith isn’t something that is “popular” to talk about when it comes to the influencer world, why did you decide to incorporate your faith into your platform?

"Simply, put, because God said so. We are ambassadors and quite frankly, as a believer I want to be bold about what I subscribe to. If I am going to be a Bible believing Christian, then I must continually abide with the Word. Jesus calls us to go into ALL THE WORLD, and while we may not all be able to get on a plane to do mission work, or pastor a

church, my platform allows me to share the LOVE of God with those on my page. I’m not perfect at it, or even the “picture of Christianity” but I am growing and continue to know that I am called to share who God is and has been in my life while growing with those around me. I will also admit, I am a VERY OPEN BOOK, so nothing is off limits, (well maybe some things are lol) as to what can be incorporated on my platform. I want to be authentic and exactly who God called me be." - Kait

2. Do you believe that including your faith into your platform has helped you in any way?

"Yes! Whether or not it has helped me gain more followers or engagement, I could not tell you to be honest, but it has helped me be more transparent and trust God. Once you start sharing your faith with thousands of people you don’t know, you start to feel more bold, confident and empowered! And let’s face it, when sharing your faith on social media one of three things are going to happen. One, people will unfollow you or ignore your religious beliefs. Two, you will have more opportunities to engage with other Christians that are on that social media platform, or third, people will be led to Christ and you can’t put too much stock into the various outcomes. Faith is such a deep personal experience that we as Christians are called to plant seeds so that others begin to seek God. If the seeds I plant cause people to unfollow me, then it is what it is. But if the seeds I plant cause more people to engage with me and be led to Christ then, WOW! However, God is in control. Sharing my faith has essentially led me to be more bold, have more “difficult” conversations and aspire to share more of my faith in my daily life." - Kait

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